is one of the best website for all types of Chhollywood Film industry, chhattisgarhi movies, films, songs like cgfilm songs, album songs, jas geet cg , faag, suva, gauri-gaura, raut nacha, bihaav and chhattisgarhi folk songs. if you want to listen and download of chhattisgarhi songs so log on to is the source through which we want Chhattisgarhi Films to reach people far and wide. India is a country of different cultures and languages, where in every state its film industry, songs and lyrics are heard and liked. One of them is Chhattisgarh, and in the state like this, its local movies, film industry, regional songs is very fond of people,Chhattisgarhi songs are preferred not only in Chhattisgarh but in other states, but due to lack of proper media, enjoying Chhattisgarhi films, songs, albums, local and other followers & listeners are deprived. Therefore, it is our desire that the Chhattisgarhi Film should be promoted more and more, like the songs of different genres of the genre like: Chhollywood Movies, CG Films, songs, Chhattisgarhi Jas, Phag, Matar, Raut Nacha, Suva, Gauri-Gaura, Behava and folk songs should be delivered to all the states, so that the local artists here should get a new offer and get inspiration for their new productions.
अगर आप भी अपने छत्तीसगढ़ी फिल्म इंडस्ट्री (छॉलीवूड) से जुड़े कलाकार , संगीतकार , फोटोग्राफर , कैमरामैन, डायरेक्टर अपनी प्रोफाइल, संगीत, फोटोग्राफ, प्रोफाइल एवं गीतों को ज्यादा से ज्यादा लोगो तक पहुँचाना चाहते हैं तो अपने फाइल कवर फोटो के साथ [email protected] पर मेल करे . अगर आपके स्वयं का You Tube channel/ instagram page/ facebook page है तो उसका लिंक भी चैनल के नाम के साथ हमे भेजे जिससे आपके चैनल एवं पेज का ज्यादा से ज्यादा प्रचार प्रसार हो .धन्यवाद्